Areas Of Expertise


Being arrested, or even getting a summons, for a DUI can be scary. Most people immediately worry about losing their driver’s license and going to jail. Barrie can help by taking immediate action.


Assault cases vary widely, which makes it important to have an attorney like Barrie who has handled all levels and types of assault in Colorado.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be a scary charge. It is important to hire a lawyer who is knowledgeable and experienced.

Juvenile Delinquency

Barrie has represented children in many types of felonies and misdemeanors. She is widely known as one of the most experienced juvenile delinquency lawyers in Southwest Colorado.

Civil Protection Orders

Protect yourself from harm by getting a civil protection order or if you find yourself facing the possibility of significant restrictions on your liberty.

If you need representation, contact Barrie today.